(404) 441-1087

Wild Journal


Hiking, Kayaking and touring Tennessee!

This July’s Nashville, Tennessee guided trek allowed ten remarkable boys a chance to discover new worlds. Activities like E-bike rides and kayaking on the Cumberland River coupled with visits to museums and opportunities to enjoy restaurants created new memories. These experiences introduced them to new people, music, and culture.

A visit to the Carl Van Vechten Gallery at Fisk University, a prominent historically Black university, took children on a creative journey as they marveled at Professor Alicia Henry’s impressive sculptures, paintings, and textiles. Wilderness Works at Fisk University

A highlight was a stop at the Museum of African American Music, which deeply touched the campers’ hearts. They connected with the struggles and challenges discussed in the museum while experiencing the lasting musical gifts that continue to speak to people of all ages today.

After hiking in the amazing Cheatham Wildlife Refuge our boys enjoyed riding E-bikes up to the top of Fort Negley for panoramic views.

Experiencing a new city allows Wilderness Works to exercise a core belief that every young person deserves the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. Expeditions like Nashville expand horizons and ignite curiosity, encouraging dreams that reach beyond cities and mountains.

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