(404) 441-1087

Wild Journal


Spring Break in North Carolina

Our Wilderness Works’s boys got a great opportunity to explore some of the beautiful natural resources here in the Southeast over spring break this year.
They enjoyed a nature discovery week visiting Cane Creek and Cane Creek Falls, climbing Whiteside Mountain, hiking Sunset Rock, and exploring Blue Valley Experimental Forest.
Later in the break our boys traveled through rugged Cullasaja River Gorge on their way to touring the stunning Cullasaja Falls.
The visit to Western North Carolina could not be complete without a visit to Jackson Hole Mine where our boys mined for amethyst citrine and emerald.
Our boys also performed a volunteer clean-up project at Picklesimer Rock Falls trailhead parking area as a way to pay it forward to future visitors and to leave things better than they found them. 

Favorite visits also included spectacular Dry Falls and Highlands Burrito!  

Special thanks to the McGarrity family for providing their lovely home for our group!

Wilderness Works Spring Break in North Carolina

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