Trekking Colorado high peaks no problem for Wilderness Works boys!
June 2018 brought a crew of hardy Wilderness Works boys to Colorado’s spectacular Four Pass Loop in Snowmass Wilderness near Aspen.
During a week of challenging backpacking these middle school boys crossed through icy creeks and passed over four high altitude passes (each over 12,500 feet). The tough group discovered inspiration, gained greater confidence and new self-worth.
Wilderness Works children experience these life-changing accomplishment only with the help of caring friends. Wilderness Works is indebted to Julie’s Dream for sponsoring our amazing journey!
Wilderness Works is so thankful for the memory of Julie Harlan and her call to support needy children so that they might experience the hope and love of Jesus Christ by participating in outdoor and wilderness adventures and discovering the beauty of God’s creation. Speaking for children across Atlanta: thanks so much to Julie’s Dream!
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