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Our Partners

Wilderness Works Values Our Partnerships With ...

Atlanta Mission

Atlanta Mission - My Sister's House

Wilderness Works proudly serves Atlanta families transitioning into more stable living situations with the help of the excellent programs of Atlanta Mission and its lead family shelter: My Sister’s House.  Many campers originally from Atlanta Mission enjoy multiple levels of Wilderness Works programming often for more than ten years.

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Centennial Academy

Wilderness Works has proudly enjoyed a working relationship with superior Centennial Academy since 2010. Centennial impacts students starting with referring to all students as “scholars”. Centennial leads the way in both academic impact and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). “Seek first to understand and then to be understood” is the watch phrase one hears every day at Centennial. Wilderness Works staff members attend PTA meetings and share time during lunchtime visits. Many of the best Wilderness Works campers come from Centennial!

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Salvation Army

The Salvation Army

Salvation Army continues partnering with Wilderness Works so that resident families can have a weekend alternative for their children as well as outstanding weeks of summer camp. Salvation Army staff members continually promote Wilderness Works as a resource so new families can participate.

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Hope Hill

Hope Hill Elementary School

Collaborating with Wilderness Works since 2006, Hope Hill Elementary School educators encourage students to participate in Wilderness Works’ powerful summer and school season programming. A great partnership means Wilderness Works can reinforce development delivered by this excellent school. Wilderness Works magnifies community impact by partnering with Hope Hill!

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Parkside Elementary School

Parkside Elementary School

Wilderness Works continues working with close neighbor Parkside Elementary School after years of partnership.  Partnering with counselors, social workers, and school staff means disadvantaged students gaining especially needed supports that reinforce school efforts for student success.  Wilderness Works also supports PTA efforts with students that need extra-curricular opportunities.

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Barack and Michelle Obama Academy

Barack and Michelle Obama Academy

Since 2008 Wilderness Works continues serving children attending neighboring Barack and Michelle Obama Academy (formerly D. H. Stanton Elementary school) based in the neighboring Peoplestown community of south Atlanta. BMO Academy leaders help with networking families and students toward Wilderness Works camp opportunities.BMO Academy is making great strides with principal Robin Robbins and parent liaison Richard Harris. WW Operations Director Alicia DeCriscio resides in Peoplestown and is active on the PTA at Stanton!

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City of Refuge

City of Refuge

For over 12 years Wilderness Works and City of Refuge share a long history of collaboration so that families struggling with homelessness can enjoy the resources of City Camp and summer camp.  City of Refuge serves resident families as well as neighborhood children.  Families overcoming chronic homelessness can migrate from shelter to shelter.  Frequently a new family at City of Refuge is not new to Wilderness Works.  Wilderness Works is a source of continuity for families dealing with frequent change.

Nicholas House

Nicholas House

Nicholas House provides families struggling with homelessness a path for gaining stability and self-sufficiency.  After eleven years of partnering, Wilderness Works continues providing this outstanding Atlanta shelter positive alternatives for resident families and children.   Many Nicholas House campers grow on to become counselors in Wilderness Works programming.

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