(404) 441-1087

Wild Journal

Wilderness Works Camp Grandview

Camp Delivers Summer Fun!

One of the hallmark’s of our Wilderness Works platform is sending children to summer camp. 

We believe in the healing, transformative effect of the natural environment and have seen firsthand the benefit that socializing and play at summer camp has on children. 

In partnership with the Georgia Division of the Salvation Army, Wilderness Works campers have enjoyed many weeks at Camp Grandview in Jasper, GA operated by the Salvation Army, over the past 3 years.

Wilderness Works summer campers get to enjoy so many activities that are not part of their daily lives. Athletics, Art/Crafting, Canoeing, Archery and Swimming to name a few. Other benefits involve team-building when young people work together on projects. 

Attending summer camp also addresses something called “summer learning loss”, by keeping children’s minds engaged and reinforcing classroom learning with experiential lessons. 

We are profoundly grateful for our partnership with the Salvation Army, and for the venue at Camp Grandview providing that magical summer camp experience to the children in our program. 

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